Discrimination Towards Animals
We feel pride in describing ourselves as animal lovers, animal right activists, animal welfare activists or even vegetarians and vegans and so on and so on; but are these phrases helping us to get their fundamental rights ? or it is just to hide the guilt of not looking at an animal with an equal eye as any other being, who can feel, connect, enjoy and suffer; just like us. Aren’t we trying to hide the feeling of guilt of not standing for them as we would have stood for ourselves, our children, our families or any other human being?
I am not criticizing anyone or promoting anything because the reality of life is that every living being feeds on another from microbes to plants to animals to humans. There is not a single source of food that is not directly or indirectly connected to a living being. All I want to say is that A Human does not mean we are superior in comparison to other living beings on this planet!
The source of life is the same for every being, a human, an animal, a plant, a microbe or anything else as long as it is a life it shares the same source of existence and being as you and me. Whatever you may call it soul, God, nature or science; it is the same for you, for the ones you love, the ones you follow or believe, so for the sake of that source of existence we must honor and respect the existence of an animal a plant and anything alive as equal as a human being.
We human beings do a lot of inhuman things to each other also but we do not dishonor or disrespect another human, death or a life, at least by law – so all I am asking is to extend that law to other living beings too.
The concept of human superiority over other beings is driven from the misinterpretation of humans being more capable in comparison to other beings. This ideology might have been feasible before the era of human civilization. But is it really suitable for a 21st century human to behave like he belongs to the stone age era ? don’t you think it is time for us to recognize and evolve above our fundamental barbaric mentalities?
We even misinterpreted the scriptures; where humans are described as The noblest of creatures, that means we bear responsibility to create a better, safer, suitable and stable environment for other living beings. Not to exploit their vulnerabilities, or to make decisions for them based on our rationality rather than their needs and rights.
It may take us decades and centuries to evolve high above our barbaric fundamentals as a society but individually all it takes is to practice emotional logic. Waiting for governments to pass laws or starting movements only means we need a leash around our necks to act human.
Let’s all consciously live together as ONE BEING.